#AllTheHorror began as a podcast event in October of 2018 when a group formed to celebrate horror by releasing a horror themed podcast episode every single day in October. The event featured 13 hosting podcasts over 31 episodes, plus one weekly blog.
Additionally, a smaller event celebrating Women in Horror Month runs every February. This has a mix of new podcasts participating too. From this modest beginning, the event has grown annually and is now a fixture in the horror community.

Penance RPG joined for the October event for 2019, which featured 34 hosting podcasts with 50 episodes! We ran 2 episodes with our colleagues in #AllTheHorror, also including them as part of our #OpenTheDungeon Halloween set in Dorohirsk.
We collaborated again in 2020, with a party braving the strange village of Luchgobar.
Dragon organised our participation in other podcasts, including leading a discussion on serial killers for Talking Codswallop pod. She also played roles in 2 short stories – by Stories of Yore & Yours and The Descent.
Growth & Fundraising
With the growing interest, All The Horror has expanded to include writing and art exclusive to the event. All podcast episodes use an original theme written by Sean Faust.
This expansion led to the creation of the All The Horror Creative Common and our first original character, Lord Bloodgrin. Athena created many images of Lord Bloodgrin and they, and some other pieces by her, can be seen at All The Horror artist profiles. You can also find poetry and short stories about Lord Bloodgrin on the All The Horror website.

Starting in 2019, All The Horror committed to donating all proceeds from merchandise sales to the Scares That Care charity. Visit the store to lend your support!
For more information on the charity visit: https://scaresthatcare.org/ OR donate by visiting: https://scaresthatcare.org/donate-now