The group grows as they explore more of this strange lab, and discover more horrors… As Bo and Girolle move onwards, they are joined by Cybe, granted scholarly knowledge and the ability to cast spells by the cruel scientists’ experiments.
Author: Dragon PRPG
From The Vault: Abyss 18. The March to Menzobarranzen
Their allies are gathered, strength and skills combined,Now just a magnificent attack plan, must be collaboratively designed NB: Fungloi Fight For Freedom will return next week and be released fortnightly The silence breaks, the tale continues…. This week, the party have brought their allies together to discuss their plans for the final assault on Menzoberranzan.
Fungloi Fight For Freedom 1. Awakenings
Deep below Lumis, strange things are happening… A slow awakening, a gradual dawning sense of horror, can our newly Enlightened Fungloi find their way to freedom and home?
From the Vault: 17. Covetous: A Prophecy
Prophecy obsessed giants & a mad wizard tooBut what has he been keeping asleep & subdued? The silence breaks, the tale continues….
From the Vault: 16. The Wyrm Rises
In the darkest point of the wyrm writhings, a secret to be set freeA deal they must make first however, so its true form they can see *Final day to buy our 2115 christmas sweater on Teespring* The silence breaks, the tale continues….This week, the party have a meeting with some minotaurs and travel into … “From the Vault: 16. The Wyrm Rises”
From the Vault: 15. The Cube Engine
A structure of immense demonic power, hidden in the deepest dark,Colours spin like fireflies from each demonic mark The silence breaks, the tale continues… This week, the party find something sinister underneath the labyrinth!!
From the Vault: 14. Cheerful Bonding Time
They descend into the labyrinth, with luck on their sidePerhaps they’ll need it down here, amidst the despair & deathtraps The silence breaks, the tale continues…This week, the party begin their descent into the Labyrinth… Featuring a promo from The Lucky DiePLUS! Check out this awesome ‘Christmas’ sweater for Non-Denomination Holiday Day! Available as a … “From the Vault: 14. Cheerful Bonding Time”
From the Vault: 13. Madness & Musings
A council with the giants, to discuss what next to do,Will they now be offered assistance, after all they’ve gone through… The silence breaks, the tale continues…
From The Vault: Abyss 12. Ravenous…
The way around was blocked, the only way now is through,The remnants of the Drow slavers Camp, not somewhere to look forward to! The silence breaks, the tale continues…
From The Vault: Abyss 11. Buried & Twisted
The shell of a broken city, the flattened remainsWhat foulness now lurks in this broken domain… The silence breaks, the tale continues… This week, the party continue their journey to Gravenhollow and arrive at the now ruined remnants of Sloobludop…