Its the return of Dark Tide!! Rejoin our intrepid Grey Wardens as they struggle to survive and fight back Dark Spawn in this alternate timeline!
Category: Dark Tide
Dark Tide 40. Dreamers & Prophets
Our motley Grey Wardens are unimpressed by the presence of the Southern Chantry, given they include mages and a weird cat creature and are hiding a Tevinter in their camp…
Dark Tide 39. A Robin in a Tree
Hiding a fleeing scribe as a Grey Warden? Great! Until he gets dragged into trees…
Dark Tide 38. Robin Uncaged
After escaping dragon duties, some well dressed performers sparks curiosity, and their heroic play of King Alistair draws Ruth’s ire!
Dark Tide 37. Dealings with Dragons
Missing people, then missing searchers? Our Grey Wardens go in search, in case its Dark Spawn. Instead they find something far more dramatic
Dark Tide 36. A Simple Consignment
A mysterious delivery mission becomes something shockingly pleasant!
Dark Tide 35. Awe & Horror
After saving the not-werewolf, our Grey Wardens are ordered to check out his house. Some things he’s been saying are… concerning…
Dark Tide 34. Tevinter Troubles
A day off winds up with a rescue! A supposed ‘werewolf’ may just be a mage, not that they are very safe in Orlais either…
Dark Tide 33. Captain Bepis’ Song
An old Grey Warden is hearing the Calling, the sound of Darkspawn inside his head is gradually getting louder… and there’s lyrium nearby!
Dark Tide 32. To Free a Feline From the Fade
Juniper has survived! Sortof, hopefully they found enough lyrium to save her from the Fade…