Lumis: First Floor

In a strange place, known as the Endless Realms, the boundaries and divisions between worlds grows thin. Many peoples and creatures here meld and create new ecosystems – but now a group of adventurers and mercenaries have appeared on Lumis, at the centre of these blendings.  Yet here they face many new dangers. New creatures. … “Lumis: First Floor”

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Plummet Season 2 Recap – Trollfens & Manor of Ravens

This week we bring you a summary of the second season of Plummet. This episode will recap the story of episodes 20 to 27, read, in full, by Dragon. This is both to allow for future listeners to catchup on the plummet story with more ease and also to allow Dragon to further her experience … “Plummet Season 2 Recap – Trollfens & Manor of Ravens”

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