1. Q Kintara, the Champion, a dragonborn. As many dragonborn, Kintara is a confident, possibly even arrogant, martial champion.
2. Ylvein Ingrous, the Stalker, an elf. Lithe and dangerous, her skills can be overlooked if you have only heard her speak but not hunting. Dangerous and brave.
3. Arnold Whitesocks, the Spiritspeaker, a dwarf. Mr Whitesocks is a fastidious gentleman and communes with spirits for guidance.
4. Stu Nichola Nin, the Skirmisher, a human. Stu is a fiercesome warrior, experienced with ranged and guerilla warfare.
5. Charlie Backstab McNab, the Thief, a tabaxi. Swift and silent movements make an effective thief.
6. Burr Nin, the Apothecary, a dragonborn. This timid and tentative husband is searching for his missing wife – Stu
7. Fur Nin, the Thief, a dragonborn. The stubborn young son of Burr and Stu Nin, he is seeking for his parents. Failing that, he is eager to make his own way in the world.
8. Charlie ‘Backstab’ McNab, the Thief, a tabaxi