An Ancient Rivalry, settled on a Board
To Find a resting place for those put to the Sword….
This week the Party stumble upon a strange island of Light & Dark….
What Lurks behind the large metal gates of the docks?
Why is this beach so peaceful?
Why are there Men in Armour Arguing over the workload?
What do they know about Hippo of the yard?
How will they infiltrate the temple?
and What has all this got to do with gaming?
Also this week – Rivane wears some spectacles, Andreadina gets Arrested & Belry gives in to a “special calling”
A Hypothetical situation, seeks a Solution to their plight
As they have come to a civilised answer, to resist the urge to fight
For the Old Gods in our tales are fickle things, This we are just claiming
Reason and choice seeks Residence here – Amidst Philosophy & Gaming
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