1.Ora Velsyk, the Steelcaster, a tabaxi. A fiery and somewhat antisocial individual, Ora’s fighting style is unusual and often includes hair balls 2. Rupert steelbottom, a dwarf
FAQ Category: Characters
1. Kursk, the Berserker, a half-orc. A brusque warrior, found in the Swamps by Igneous. Largely motivated by promises of ice-cream and an ability to smash people or things in his way. 2. Karrus, the Thief, a tiefling. This suave ‘gentleman’ was first seen having locked himself in a cage and escaping again easily, to keep … “characters”
1. Kubroq, the Wildlander, an aarakocra. Kubroq is a noble and proud Aarakocra, a lone wildlander with a penchant for shiny trinkets and glittery things. The advance of time had made Kubroq slightly world weary and he would often fall asleep standing up, so it was always hard to tell whether he was actually awake… is … “characters”
1. Q Kintara, the Champion, a dragonborn. As many dragonborn, Kintara is a confident, possibly even arrogant, martial champion. 2. Ylvein Ingrous, the Stalker, an elf. Lithe and dangerous, her skills can be overlooked if you have only heard her speak but not hunting. Dangerous and brave. 3. Arnold Whitesocks, the Spiritspeaker, a dwarf. Mr Whitesocks … “characters”
1. Tike, the Knight, a human. A young warrior, dreaming of being a hero. Tike was very concerned about his mother finding out any negatives in his current employment. 2. Ebony Darkness, the Necromancer, a human. The edgiest of emo fringes hide the eyes of this tortured and dark soul. His necromancy was barely under his … “characters”
1. Whispers in the Gloaming, the ShadowWalker, a tabaxi. Whispers is a proven mistress of dexterity and deadly skill. Her presence with these somewhat halpless mercenaries is not known.
1. Frankie, the Disciple, a human. The son of a nobleman, Frankie is a follower of the Disciples of the Fascinating Squeeze-box, particularly two of their Saints, Karen and Tubbs. Most of his time is spent attempting to convert the fairer sex to his religion while recounting the tales and songs of their adventures.
1. Igneous, the Geomancer, a dwarf. Considered something of a maverick by his traditional-minded father, for studying rocks instead of simply spending centuries mining them in search of gold, Igneous has traveled the land in search of interesting rock formations and crystals. Geology doesn’t come cheap, however, so he has occasionally had to resort to … “characters”
Endless Realms Cast
Dragon as Kikuchi Chie, a Wandering Shrine Keeper Belry as He’Talm II, an Almiren Dandy Ash as Seleka Merot, a Kalamir ice Elementalist Daniel as Tiny Willow, A Veteran Yakashi Warden Nikoli as Noam Faraday, a Skidi Warden